Digital Vision Board Supplies
A digital vision board is a collage of images, words, and affirmations that represent your dreams. In order to make a digital vision board, you will need a few supplies like special apps, images, and other visual elements.

Vision Board Apps
VISIYA is a unique vision board application. It offers a holistic approach to vision board creation, as well as daily affirmations. You will also find different vision board templates (e.g., career, health, etc.) that match your needs.
Canva is a graphic design tool that allows you to create and edit visual content. With Canva, you can create stunning social media posts, videos, cards, flyers, photo collages & more. There are options to add pictures and animations, remove backgrounds, adjust image transparency, and many more.
Freeform is a versatile whiteboard for collaboration. The handy tool can be used for notes, sketches, drawings, photos, PDFs, links or simply putting all of your thoughts in one place. The Freeform app is available for iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Stock Photos
You have to include some vivid and beautiful images on your vision board. You will find many stylish stock photos on services like Pexels, Pixabay, or Unsplash. These services offer free images that you can download without any payment or endorsement.
Photos from Pinterest
Pinterest is a photo hosting service that allows you to add images, create collections and share them with other people. Enter your topic of interest into a search bar, or browse images by category. Follow us on Pinterest for vision board inspiration.
Photos from Instagram
Instagram is a social media platform that allows to share photos and videos, as well as to interact with others through likes, comments, and direct messaging. You can find photos on any topic and save them to your device (to use later) by typing a #hashtag into the search bar (e.g. #visionboard, #visionboard2024, etc.)
Go to Instagram
Photos from Google Image Search
Funny pictures, illustrations, desktop wallpaper – anything can be found on Google. Just enter the desired keyword, select the appropriate photo and save it to your phone, tablet or computer.
Visual Elements
Affirmations are positive statements that reinforce your beliefs. You can find affirmations examples on the internet or create your own. For a digital vision board, we recommend using affirmations in the form of pictures.
Emoticons have become so essential to our written communication that we perceive a message as impersonal when emojis are missing. Remember to add emojis to your text by using the keyboard on your device.
Digital Stickers
Stickers are known from various popular messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram). They help you express yourself and demonstrate your style or sense of humor. Digital stickers are sold on various design sites, but there are also free options.
GIFs are an image format for animated pictures. Some vision board apps support GIFs. Use GIF images to add dynamics and movement to your vision board.
Stock Videos
Our subconscious mind reacts to videos much faster than to spoken words. If the tool of your choice supports videos, it will help you to experience your dreams and desires as if they have already become real.