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How to Use Affirmations: Practical Tips and Techniques for Effective Application – VISIYA

Writer's picture: MarinaMarina

Updated: Nov 14, 2024

The affirmations practice is a powerful technique that can completely change you and your life. However, you need to phrase and implement them correctly.

Since our consciousness is capable of holding only one thought at a time, repeating affirmations every day allows you to fill your subconscious mind with the necessary thoughts, and then to hold them in your consciousness. Thus, thanks to affirmations, negative thoughts in your head are replaced by positive ones.

A woman using affirmations
A woman using affirmations

There are people who do not believe that this method can work and be fruitful, but, as a rule, this is due to the fact that they simply do not know how to use the method correctly. In fact, there are certain rules that must be applied to make affirmations work. If you stick to them, the effect is not long to wait.

Top Tips On How To Use Affirmations:

  1. Repeat daily: Make affirmations a part of your daily routine. Choose a quiet, peaceful time and setting where you won’t be disturbed. Say them out loud and clearly. Consistency is key.

  2. Ignore internal protests. Keep expressing your affirmations with determination and confidence, even if something inside you resists these beliefs. Say the right words over and over again. Eventually, your mind will agree with your words, and you will overcome your inner resistance.

  3. Personalize the affirmations. While repeating affirmations, make sure that they are not impersonal and are not uttered into a void. Seek positive examples that resonate with what you’re affirming.

  4. Include yourself: Make it personal by including yourself. You can start with “I am...” or “My life is full of…”.

  5. Measure their effectiveness:Pay attention to how your affirmations work during the day. Do you feel any benefit from them? Does your perception of reality change? This is the most significant thing because affirmations are designed to change your perception of things. If that's not happening, your approach may need adjusting.

  6. Intention matters: Avoid treating affirmations as a casual psychological tool. They require continuous effort to significantly influence your psyche and overall life.

  7. Choose present tense: Affirmations should be used in the present tense for maximum impact. Instead of saying, “I will be successful,” say, “I am successful.”

  8. Add energy and emotion: During your affirmation practice, project positive energy, and emotion. This will help you connect to your affirmation on a deeper level and accelerate the manifestation.

  9. Visualization: Visualize the affirmation as if it has already come true. Believe in it and perceive the feelings associated with it.

  10. Write them down: Document your affirmations in a dedicated journal or an app, where you can see them regularly. The repeated visual cue can work wonders to instill these thoughts further into your subconscious.

Remember, the practice of affirmations isn't a magical trick; it's a technique to change your thought patterns. Don't rush the process — allow the affirmations to steer your thoughts and behavior gradually towards the positive direction.

Reciting own affirmations
Reciting own affirmations



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